Sales Coaching with Results

Together we’ll level up your sales efforts and grow your revenue.

Whether you’re just starting out or are looking to refine what you’re already doing, we will focus on the work that will matter most.

Focus on your ideal customer

Most teams aren’t focused enough on the customer profile that gets the most value from their product. Together we will refine or identify who your ideal customers is.

Level up your sales calls

Levelling up your sales calls is one of the most impactful ways to change your outcomes. We’ll identify and practice your key sales calls. I’ll also watch call recordings and provide feedbck.

Identify your sales journey

In order to take your prospects on a successful journey, you need to know what that journey is. Together we’ll map out your ideal sales journey, as well as identify key checkpoints and requirements for each stage.

Refine outbound messaging

All sales messaging is not created equal. Through using best practices, brevity and understanding your target customer, we will create messaging that generates results.

Build confidence in your sales process

You may not have control over your outcomes but you have control over your processes. Creating effective and intentional sales processes and systems will give you peace of mind that you will see results.

Improve conversion rates

Through focus, messaging and systems, we will improve your outbound and inbound conversion rates. No longer will you have to operate solely on hunches and guesses to understand where your customers are coming from.

What makes it different

Three month programs

With a minimum three month engagement we will build intensity to overcome inertia. Starting with more intensity means we need to give our work attention and focus from day one. Each month has a specific theme and goal building off the previous.

Do the internal and external work

Nailing strategy and sales isn’t just about process, SWOT, CRMs, templates, personas and your value proposition. As founders and CEOs know, you must also be able to focus, make hard decisions, sit in discomfort and be willing to dig into the stories that are holding you back.

My role

What I am: I am in your corner and will hold you accountable, I will help you work through the external and internal challenges of strategy and sales, and I will help you do the hard part first and level up.

What I am not: I will no do the work for you or give you all the answers, I will not have the hard conversations for you, and I will not become a sales person on your team.

Emily McArdle, altMBA Coach

“Jenna has the magic combination of warmth, empathy and razor sharp clarity that enables her to ask insightful and propelling questions and move someone on when they are stuck.”